Orange County Behavioral Health Services (BHS) Directory 


Behavioral Health Services (BHS) Directory (02/21/21)

BHS Navigation Services assists the community in accessing needed behavioral health services and understanding the Continuum of Care system here at HCA. Related programs include the OC Links Information and Referral Line, BHS Outreach and Engagement Services, BHS Veterans Programs, and the Office of Consumer and Family Affairs.  Download a  Directory 

Prevention and Early Intervention Services include a wide variety of services targeting all age groups including early intervention, prevention, Veteran and training programs. Related services include parenting education and supportive services, telephone-based supportive services, and school-based programs designed to create a system of first-help. They have been especially effective in reaching out to more diverse racial and ethnic communities. This category also includes statewide efforts to prevent suicide and reduce stigma and discrimination related to mental illness as well as efforts to improve student mental health.

Crisis Services programs help individuals of all age groups during a psychiatric emergency and are designed to enable clients to continue living their normal, day-to-day lives in the community with structured support (when appropriate). They include the Crisis Assessment Team, Crisis Stabilization Unit, Crisis Residential as well as In-Home Crisis Stabilization for Children/Transitional Aged Youth (TAY)/Adults, and the Crisis Hotline.

Outpatient Services include a wide-variety of County-operated and contracted outpatient clinics throughout Orange County, California targeting adults and older adults with Severe and Persistent Mental Illness, TAY with severe mental illness, and children and youth with serious emotional disturbance. Outpatient Services also include Substance Use Disorder (SUD) treatment for all ages.

Intensive Outpatient Services provide a higher level of care and are structured to meet a greater level of need. Treatment programs target individuals needing greater structure and more intensive services to engage in treatment and who are at increased risk of hospitalizations and incarcerations. Lower caseloads in these programs allow for more frequent contact and engagement in the community. They include the Program for Assertive Community Treatment, Collaborative Court, and Full Service Partnership programs.

Inpatient, Residential Care, and Housing programs offer a variety of options to those who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless and in need of psychiatric managed care and/or housing due to their mental illness. In addition, residential drug treatment programs and residential detox programs are available. These programs include Mental Health Services Act Housing, Homeless Housing, Long-Term Care, Psychiatric Inpatient Treatment, State Hospitals, Short-Term Housing, Shelter-Plus Care, Residential Drug Treatment, Residential and TAY Social Rehabilitation Programs.

Ancillary Services are supplemental to and supportive of the other treatment programs listed in this directory. These broad-spectrum services can often be utilized by clients in several different service categories, and include the Wellness Center, Adult Supportive Employment, Office of the Public Guardian, Mentoring, Workforce Education and Training, and Patient’s Rights.

All of these programs can be accessed by calling OC Links, the BHS Information and Referral Line, OCLINKS Expanded With Cares Act Funding to 24/7..Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. at 855-OC-Links (625-4657) or chatting with a navigator online at