Our Action and Partner Centers are grounded in the Take Action Cycle

We use two key images to think about the WHAT and the HOW of creating healthy communities. The Rankings model helps us understand WHAT makes a healthy community. The Take Action Cycle shows us HOW to create a healthy community.
We believe community transformation begins with the steps in the Take Action Cycle.
  • Gather information to assess needs and resources.
  • Set priorities, so you can focus on what’s important.
  • Find the most effective approaches to address your priorities, and then …
  • Get to work on acting on what’s important.
  • Evaluating throughout the cycle will help you improve your strategies and ensure that what you’re doing is effective.
Communicate and Work Together wrap around the cycle because these activities are essential throughout the cycle.
At the heart of the Take Action Cycle is people working together. We know that when people work together with a shared vision and commitment to improve health, it can yield better results than working alone.

Find step-by-step guidance and tools to help you move through the steps in the Take Action Cycle in our Action Center. Identify the right partners and explore tips to engage them in the Partner Center.
